Below is a list of Payroll’s most frequently asked questions. Click any one of the questions below to be directed to the answer in askUS, a repository of answers to frequently asked questions about university-wide systems and processes. Answers to other common questions about Payroll can also be found in askUS (keywords Payroll Services).
Payroll Payments
When will my university paycheck be direct deposited?
How do I get my payroll paycheck set up for direct deposit?
Today is payday and I have not received my payroll paycheck. Where is it?
An employee has been overpaid. What should I do?
How do I get a copy of my W-2 Form?
How do I opt out of receiving a paper W-2 Form?
What is reported in Box 1 of my W-2 Form?
How does a nonresident employee claim a tax treaty exemption?
What are OASDI (Social Security) and Medicare taxes?
How will my moving (or relocation) payment be taxed?
How do I remove State and Local Withholding Elections in Workday?
Personal Information
My name has changed. How can I update this on my employee records?
Does Payroll Services need to be notified of an employee's death?
Last updated 11/22/2023
Contact Info
Payroll Services
Main Building, Room 4
110 Inner Campus Dr. Stop G0200
Austin, Texas 78712-1645